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Client Support

Support clients in the same place you work.

Less calls, more tickets, equals better profit margins with ongoing clients. We have made it easy for your clients to communicate changes, approve workflows and track issues.


Simple ticketing system.

With role-based onboarding forms, you can create unlimited groupings of clients, partners and team members. Automate their onboarding by collecting as much or as little data as you want.

Collaborate with team members.

Setup shared workspaces with user roles or individual team members to collaborate with your support tickets. Give visibility into tickets from internal support agents, outside partners and clients.


Everything you need to customize your support efforts.

Create as many custom statuses for all your ticket management needs.

Segment your teams to specific workspaces for better collaboration and ticket management.

Attach ticket assets directly to the ticket so all team members and clients can access.


Unified Ticket Inbox

In a single inbox, view and respond to all comments and issues on all tickets. Collaborate across all your tickets at once.

Share the knowledge.

Prevent calls and tickets by creating knowledge base pages for documentation, training, tutorials, and how to’s. Create unlimited topics and pages to provide support resources segmented by user roles.